Sunday, December 15, 2013

I was faced with a dilemma (and am sure many of us would be facing it!! Read on!!) which did stress me out a bit. It is regarding managing our 'accounts' (both online and offline) safely and securely in todays technology driven world.

By accounts I mean personal data for generally online and offline usage. I have accounts in multiple online websites - Shopping sites (Amazon, EBay, Flipkart, Myntra, FabFurnish,.......), Magazine Subscription (The Economists, HBR, Times Group, etc..), Online Banking (ICICI, SBI, PNB etc....), Personal data (PAN, Income Tax, Aadhar, My Organisation site, etc ), Communication (BSNL, MTNL, Local Broadband, TataSky etc....), Social Networking and EMail and websites (Multiple GMail accounts, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Health and Vehicle Insurance Sites, Multiple Twitter accounts, Evernote, Dropbox, Various Forums Sites, Social Groups, TED, Slashdot, Linux sites, Subscribed Tutorial Sites, Children School sites, Photography sites, Personal Blog Site etc etc.... Very Very Large List).

Now the problem : To be secure, it is necessary that different USERNAME and Passwords are to be used 'as much as possible' - So how do I remember them, manage them and access them anytime I want!!!??? Options are - write all these down on a Notebook (cannot carry it around!!), put them in a note in Evernote or Google Doc or DropBox and access it online when required (not secure as it is not encrypted!!!), use an encrypted document and copy it into my mobile document (syncing it when there is a change to all devices one carries is a problem!!), use a password manager available online (problem is I do not trust proprietary Password Managers - cannot trust them with my data!!).

Solution? Well, since the last six to eight months, have been using a combination of tech driven solution which I feel is secure - an Open Source Password Manager (KePassDroid for Androids) which 'does not keep the data in a cloud', combined with an encrypted doc (Open Source Encryption!!) and finally the encrypted doc stored in the cloud (yess, Dropbox is my favourite!). I can access it offline and can sync with my mobiles, tablets, desktop, laptops (one of the gadgets is with me always - as is common nowadays with most of us!!!).

With the above solution, I feel I am 'reasonable safe' and secure and can access all my data (I even keep datas like my Biodata, dates of my promotions, transfers, important dates and milestones etc.) and it feels better organized and less stressed out!!!

Why this mail - Well, I guess though my solution above seems good to me, am sure many of you would have your 'own solution' which would maybe be better and maybe more innovative. Thus would like to know - 'How do you manage the above mentioned data?' in your own way!! Would not mind a tech driven solution or a simple secure basic notebook solution. 'USE THE SAME USERNAME AND PASSWORD - is a BIG NO NO NO' - as it is not a solution!!!! There are some discussions on the web on managing passwords - but did not come across a solution that address all my requirements!!! But would be glad if someone points out a solution to me!!!

My solution - will make a detailed webcast/presentation and mail it - but before I do, would like to check 'others' solution and maybe improve it!!

Please email/Facebook/Whatsapp/Tweet ( #GunzManageToday ) (either private communication or group-replyl!!) or leave a comment on my blog ( your solutions  if you are interested to share your thoughts on this!! Maybe most of us would benefit - as I guess it is a dilemma for all those who are making best use of today's technology driven world!!!

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