Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Just some random thoughts on Windows 8

With the Microsoft Windows 8 launch just round the corner (26 Oct), just some random thoughts for our official organisations.....
(a) The User Interface is miles different than Win-7 and Win-XP. Will our official organisation resist using it for the re-learning involved?? Like the excuse they have been having for adapting Linux or other Open Source software?? The answer is obvious - a resounding NO

(b) Same goes for MS-Office 2013 - a totally different user interface. Lots re-learning involved!! But will they shift to free-open-source LibreOffice where some re-learning maybe involved? A resounding NO again
(c) Will we spend lots of $$$$ to send our personnel to train on these new platforms, while no effort (or money spent) is officially made to train personnel on Linux and LibreOffice??? A resounding YES

(d) Will home users who where not touching 'Linux' or 'LibreOffice' due to the re-learning involved jump on to Windows-8 and Office-2013 without a whimper or complaint on the long hours spent (and costs too or piracy!!) in learning these platforms????? A resounding YES

It sure beats me!!! :-)

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