Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shreya's thoughts - Our Earth

One more beautiful thought of Seven years old daughter Shreya. The little minds now-a-days work overtime :-)
(Reproduced as is - without any grammatical changes or corrections)

Our Earth

God has given us an Earth
In which we can stay
Oh God! I would Thank you
That you have made me a human
A rich human 
But God I would share my money
Not with rich people
Only with poor people
Oh God, I would Thank You for 
making me a human, a rich human

(Note by Papa: Papa is still middle class poor :-) Shreya would definitely share her riches with Papa :O)

1 comment:

  1. Do not forget ur poor badabapa , as ur Papa is now cash rich thanks to th UPA governmnets policy of pampering the bureacrates
