Everyone's gotta deal with 'Change'!! Nothing new about it, but when one deliberately thinks about it, one gets startled a bit. 'Change' - a small word, but with big implications!!!! Even beauty queens quote and acknowledge 'change', most famously, 'The only thing constant is change' Sometimes it is essential to change even if is just for change's sake! Some change is easy; but more often than not it is difficult. But there is no getting away from change. And we have to deal with it - make it work for us. I am at a stage in life where I have to deal with ‘Change’ - lots of it. Change view growing children, changing friends, changing health, a job promotion and changing job-profile. Most importantly, and most stressful, changes brought about view growing expectations from not only others, but also self!!!! And can't help but remember the famous school days learnt quote "God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me."
Came across this excellent inspirational video which is a must see. Sharing with you all.
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