This was a first one for me - and showed the amazing power of Linux - configuring Tata Photon+ of a Linux machine cross country - of a machine in
Kochi and me at
Mumbai (of course - on the Internet, distance doesn't matter - I could have been in Australia for that matter!).
No names - thats for later :-) - but a senior officer at SNC (much senior than me of course) - who has been bowled over by Linux wanted to badly use
Tata Photon+ for portability reasons. I did pass on info for configuring it, and realised he may be not too confident on the command line.
The first challenge was to somehow get him connected to the Internet (landline Internet connectivity would have been easiest - but was not available immediately!!). Got him easily connect up to the Internet using his
CoolPad Reliance Mobile (yess, it was a single shot install without much ado), than had his dymanic IP found, and had him install 'ssh' (wanted to use VNC for remote desktop - realised speeds of mobile connectivity not much), then remote logged in his machine, found out the Tata Photon+ plugged in details, configured wvdial and the 'usbserial' module - and bingo - he was connected through his Tata Photon+
Hmmmm... you bet he was surprised and impressed, not much with me, but with the Linux versatility thing!! Though I have done lots of cross country configs for few other apps,
Tata Photon+ was a first cross country for me!